Friday, June 6, 2008

Entry 13_20700347

Bottling Your Own Personal Smell
Just few days ago, many young people who are 20 years old received rose, perfume, and something like that for ‘Coming-of-Age Day.’ So a lot of perfumes are sold. Do you have your own perfume? If you have, what is your own personal smell? Recently, many luxury brands which make perfume are great on bespoke perfumery.
These days, fragrance market is taking a turn for the better. Therefore, some large enterprises such as Jean Patou and Guerlain and small businesses are concentrating their attention on perfumery. For example, Cartier, who started its bespoke scent creation in 2005, meets customer first for making customer’s own perfume. Cartier grasps customer’s personality and flavor through small talking. The process can take up to 10 meetings, resulting in the creation of a final perfume over several months. It has a quite time making bespoke perfume, and perfume’s price is very high. However, despite these factors, the number of the customers who are seeking this unique perfume is increasing.
I think that luxury industry will not fold. According to the article, perfume industry is appeal to the many people.
Segmentation - Market segmentation is segmentation of custom’s needs. In this case, customs’ desire is to distinguish themselves and wear a unique scent. Actually, there are some value propositions including symbolic value, self-expressive value, and sensual value. For these value propositions, many customers want to buy a bespoke perfume which has brand name.
Targeting - This market is niche market. Frankly speaking, key customers are interested in themselves. They might like differentiation. I think that this products’ target age is 20 ~ 40, because they choose perfume with great interest specially. Therefore, this bespoke perfumery could be a mass market and include main stream.
Positioning – When I hear the word ‘bespoke perfume,’ the word ‘Identification’ flashed through my mind. Because bespoke perfume make people more attractive and special. Even though the perfume’s price is so high, perfume industry still strong thanks to such image.
In this generation, individual’s personality is very important to all of us. Therefore, they use their character with peculiar perfume in the whole world. If many large enterprises who make perfume advertise their products effectively, there will be a lot of new customers in this industry.
Annotation : Amber Haq, ‘Bottling your own personal smell’, May 26, 2008, Newsweek
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