Thursday, March 27, 2008

#3 Entry / 20500297

The Seven Secrets of Inspiring Leaders*

As a business student, I have been mostly interested in leadership and business communication. There are lots of business strategies we can use, but I always believe that leadership and communication are the basics that lead your business to succeed.

Have you heard of book called 'Fire them up'? This book is written by Carmine Gallo, revealing techniques common to the leaders who best know how to INSPIRE their workers, investors, and customers. Inspiring others is one of important roles in marketing, I guess, because it gives you a motive and special meaning. Carmine Gallo has been interviewing people in high position, entrepreneurs, and educators who have a capacity of selling their vision, values, and even themselves and found 7 communications secrets we can adopt in our own communications with others. I want to briefly go over these 7 secrets with you guys, and attach the video file. (I liked it when he clearly differentiates 'vision' from 'goal.')

FIRST, demonstrate enthusiasm—"constantly." Leaders should have passion. Once you find your passion, you need to make it apparent to everyone you work with. Demonstrating enthusiasm is so infectious that it can convince others. It's the beginning of success.

SECOND, articulate a compelling course of action. It means that leaders should be specific, consistent, and memorable vision. Powerful vision is short (less than 10 words or 10), but explains how the world will be changed if your products or service succeeds. Gallo explains more about this in video with an example, emphasizing that the power of vision set everything in action.

THIRD, sell the benefit. "Always remember, it's not about you, it's about them." said Gallo. You mustn't make your listeners guess. Be ready to answer the questions they have and give them what they need in your speech, presentation, or any situation where persuasion takes place.

FOURTH, tell more stories. This one is pretty interesting. Remember Disney land? Why are the characters of Disney are familiar to every one of us? Because they have a story! It goes same with business communication. Telling interesting and memorable stories is a good way to keep your relationship with others and make them remember you in a special way.

FIFTH, invite participation. In order to motivate young employees, this can be a good idea to use. Today's managers let their employees join the process of building the company or service. 'Incorporation' is critical in today's business work.

SIXTH, reinforce an optimistic outlook. You know why, right? Positive leaders brings positive results. (Not always, though.) Robert Noyce, the co-founder of Intel INTC, said, "Optimism is an essential ingredient of innovation. How else can the individual favor change over security?" (quoted) Speaking positive words and having positive attitude make others optimistic.

LASTLY, encourage potential. Inspiring leaders 'invest' in their employees emotionally. They see the hidden potential and take it out by praising them. Praise is easy and fast way of maintaining your connection with others. Employees doubt will be reduced and their spirits will soar when you give them genuine praise.


'Inspiriation' is an inspiring word to me. Business is about people and relationship. Inspiring others makes you a person that others want to be with. We need to treat our best employees that way we expect those employees to treat our customers, which means that in order to make your business successful, you should support, reward, and promote people working with you. Personally, relationship with others is one of difficult problems I haven't solved yet. It's been hard and tough and eventually I realized that I used to be a negative person. The words and languages I speak and say were negative. I rarely praise others, and I have preferred working alone to working with other members. I've already found myself empty inside, but have been afraid of change. As a person who feels free to be a 'follower', being a leader is not a easy thing for me. This article tells me that now is the time to face and change myself. As I have been inspired by people around me, I want to inspire others. I know 'how' now!

Here's the video I want to attach. Carmine Gallo explains about the leaders inspiring others and tells you what kind of vision leaders should have. Enjoy. :)


* #3 Entry by 20500297

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