Sunday, March 9, 2008

Sang-Hee Hong_20500687

When Your Ad Tactics Don’t Fit Your "Brand"

Do you like the sub sandwitch? Which brand do you like the most? When I was in America, there were many different sub sandwitch stores like the Subways and the Quizno's. It was easy to see the commercials of these sandwitch stores on TV.

This article is about the commercial or so called ad tactics and its impacts to the consumers. Among many seires of commercials of Quizno's, the spongmonkey commercial brought the negative issue. It intends to appeal consumers that Quiznos rats make people hungry. They used spongmonkeys’ wagon to hitch its brand because the commercials apparently tested well in focus groups. Besides, they thought it is so called “tactic” to approach many Quiznos manias.

However, Quizno’s became infamous after this spongmonkeys commercial. Although it worked for attention-getting, there were negative impacts from children consumers. They got scared by the image of spongmonkeys and the spots on the commercial. Eventually, the commercial made children crying and their parents’ complaint was followed right away.

I read the part of promotion and it is communication by a marketer that informs, persuades, and reminds potential buyers about a product or service to influence their opinions or elicit a response. In addition to this complaint, one person on YouTube even wrote a comment, “As much as I love this commercial (which I do… it’s hilarious!), I don’t ever want to eat at Quizno’s. Eew.” Since Quiznos sells food products including subs and salads, it could be overwhelmed by using spongmonkey to deliver the ads. The commercial indeed left disgusting impression.

I agreed with the writer of this article that marketing isn’t just about creating impressions or getting attention. We need to be careful when we make ads or commercial considering relevancy within the surroundings. Just like the dairy industry’s “Got Milk” ad campaign, which has created high levels of awareness about the benefit of drinking milk and using celebrities like Hilary Duff, Quiznos should shift the idea of promotion through ads or TV commercial to appeal Quiznos delicious subs. Furthermore, delivering fun and delicious images of Quizno’s subs, it will bring not only benefits for Quizno’s but also for other subs restaurants.

Written by 20500687 Hong, Sang-hee

Original Article Address:

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