Friday, May 2, 2008

20700457_DongSoo Rhee_Entry8

Political Ads, winner making strategy
: Politicians are expected to spend $3 billion on TV advertising in 2008

A few monts ago, there was an election for president in Korea, and also a general election a month ago. Every time there is an election gets thrown, you see all kind of advertisement of dozen candidates in your district. What makes you vote for specific candidate? I know that there are many considerations for that kind of decision, such as, their election pledges, facial looks, their age, which party they blongs. Along with those reasons, one of the most important factors is the advertisements you see.

Political Ads are changing. As an election law gets revised over time, and gets more strict, people tent to turn their concern into political ads. The amount of days which can be used for electioneering tour gets fixed, and amount of money is limitted. Because of those reasons, political advertisement maybe is the only and last way to apeal themselves to the public. Then how are those ads changing?

Political advertisement is one of the most efficient way to impress the public, and as the public, and the characteristics of the public changes, the characteristics of political ads had been changed. Back then, many election ads were serious, talk about their pledges, and try to apeal the public by how good they are. Also, paper, and the plan card were the most popular way to post an ad. However, as the public turned their interests to Tv and radio, those two media became the most popular one. And rescently, the internet media came up as the most popular and efficient way to post political ads. On top of that, trend of the contents in the ads changed too. If previous ads were concentrated on their pledges and abilities, the rescent political ads are focussed on their image making. Either that is serious and hard working image, or humorous and warm-hearted person kind of image. It also reflects the behaviour of the public. As the piliticians changed their target segment to the relatively low age, image making became more important than showing their pledges.

Portal sites are earning some extra money for these ads, tremendous amount of money to mention it as extra money. Party of Hanara, and new party expect to spend 3000000000 won for political advertisement. As long as the leaders exist, this industry will grow constantly.

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