Friday, May 23, 2008


Dissed Online? How to Fix Your Brand's Rep

Today's consumers don't hesitate to post their comments, good and bad, on the Internet. Here are some tips for damage control

Because of the advance of internet and other IT industry technologies, online reputation for the company became a big part, and hard to ignore. If one angry customer of disgruntled employee unleashes virulent, anonymous criticism about your company online, it can be almost impossible to erase. In this kind of business environment, how should a company maintain a good brand reputation online? Here are some answers.

Follow Up With You Customers

Most of the customers have something to say to the company but they hesitate, and only a few actually take into action. So it is imperative that companies reach out to their customers first. There are several ways to keep in track with your customers. The most easy and effective way is by using E-mail. Send them e-mail containing brief questionnaire a week of two after their purchase. You must keep in mind that the two most common customer complaints are a discrepancy between customer expectation and product usability, and poor product quality.

Concentrate On Creating Positive Content

There two option when you spot a negative review of your company. One is to rebut them publicly and try to contact the reviewers privately to resolve the problem. Another is to ignore the dings and work harder in the future on customer satisfaction.

You Can Overcome Unfair Comments

There is a research that 90% of all people who search on and search engine never go beyond page one of the results. As a result, having the positive contents of your company on the first page is essential. It might be better to concentrate on generating your own positive content so you can suppress the negative comments in the search engine results ranking.


In class, we were talking about the gap between customers and goods/service providers. As the author mentioned on the script, discrepancy between customer expectation and product usability, and poor product quality are the two major gaps. To overcome these gaps, you need to know what the customers are thinking about your companies’ goods and services. To make this happen you need to have various communicating channels. The article is suggesting us to use e-mailing, because it is cheap and effective.

Annotation : Karen E. Klien, 'Dissed Online? How to Fix Your Brand's Rep', Business week, May 19

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