Thursday, May 1, 2008


An-dong, the Korean traditional city
Have you ever gone to An-dong in Korea? This city is known for the city that has Korean own traditional cultural appearances. For this reason, a lot of people have visited An-dong.
According to the article, An-dong plan to attract 10million tourists by 2020. For this plan, they foster many industries about tour marketing. For example, they want to make their city more thematic, so they want their city to be a medical tour city. Also, they are going to expand more tourist information center. In this way, they plan to make themselves more attractive.
In fact, however, An-dong was known very well thanks to Queen Elizabeth 2. In 1999, the Queen visited An-dong for her birthday party, and she enjoyed many factors of Korean traditional culture through this city. At that time, many people began to pay attention and visit this city. So suddenly, An-dong became a famous city in Korea and could have a brand power. But soon, the number of visitors was decreased, because there was no tour marketing activities in An-dong. For instance, too many merchants in that city sold just expensive memorials, and there were no interesting tour programs in there. Therefore, a lot of visitors were dissatisfied with it. In my opinion, these were not considered by many public officials in An-dong at that time. Those conditions meant that An-dong ignores many marketing factors such as a price, promotions, and something like that.
To tell the truth, I visited this city with my families in my teenage. But, I was also disappointed of bad services in An-dong, so I have not so good memory about there. However, An-dong still has many merits to notify Korean own traditional culture. For example, a Ha-hoe village and many villages in An-dong have kept beautiful appearances, and there are peculiar mask which is called Ha-hoe mask. Therefore, if An-dong develops their own cultural factors to marketing goods, it would be a representing city of Korea.
In my opinion, public officials in An-dong should understand ‘The Consumer Decision Process.’ Because understanding of that process makes them prudent. In other words, if they know well that process, it would be useful when they plan tour marketing strategies. When people consume their money and time, they follow these steps; Need recognition, Information Search, Alternative Evaluation, Purchase, Post Purchase. We can infer a fact that people are very careful of their consumption through ‘The Consumer Decision Process.’ So public officials need to think about visitors’ mind, and then they should induce many people to go to An-dong through many marketing strategies. For this, good advertisements would be needed.
From long time ago, An-dong has represented a city of Sun-bi, a gentleman, a man of virtue, or a scholar. In addition, we can find many historical traces in there. Therefore, I hope that An-dong’s tour marketing would success. If public officials and citizens in An-dong act more positively, this city would be a great traditional city like the Rome.
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