Wednesday, May 7, 2008

# 9 Entry / 20500297 (10th week)

How to Generate Real Customer Loyalty

Why this article?) We had a marketing quiz yesterday. As I started reading each chapter, I found something that really attracts my interest. It is 'loyalty marketing.' As a company, having loyal customers can be one of its sustainable competitive advantage because loyal customers are those who increase sales by purchasing at your company as a 'fan.' Therefore, maintaining a long-term relationship with loyalty customer can be a key of success. In that context, loyalty marketing became one of marketing field I want to work in the future. This article, 'how to generate real customer layalty', written by Steve Mckee, provides you five principles to consider. Let's review.

Summary of this article_5 principles to consider) 1. Roots of Loyalty: Serving customers well and trying to meet their expectations are the first step of generating true customer loyalty. In order to make your customer purchase your product and pay more money, you need to remember that loyalty is a natural thing, which is from cutomer's satisfaction.

2. Appealing to the heart: "Behavior often comes from heart," the author said. I can't agree more than with his opinion. 'Emphathy' with others actually changes your attitude and perception. Emotionally appealing to customers has a power to make customer reveal themselves to almost all risks they may have to face in purchasing process.

3. Take your time: Once you have your customer's heart, you need to consider that 'love takes time', which means that long-term relationship requires you to wait. Wait until your customer finally prefers your product and brand. Patiently wating creates love, and then love will create a difference.

4. A Two-way Street: 'Relationships are reciprocal.' What the author says is that long-term customer loyalty is like 'give-and-take' relationship. True relationship with your customer develops along the lines of give-and-take. It should be mutual. As the author says, sending a birthday card to loyalty customer is no longer effective, probably. You need to create your own way to make your customers impressed based on true mutual relationship.

5. It's more than numbers: Behavior can be measured, but true relationship can't be. As technology develops, the way of marketing has changed, too. However, people are still the same. We want to be valued, repected, and cared about. Real customer loyalty comes from your true heart and respect for your customer.

My thoughts & feeling) 'What kind of maketing is loyalty marketing?' I thought of this. Makreting provides customers a value, as we leanred but there's something more than providing a valuable product in marketing. True relationship based on trust and love. Simply put, as I read this article, I realized the most important fact I always should remember. What God says in the Bible is the basic of our lives in many different aspect. This article reminds me of a Bible verse, "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you." in Matthew 7:12. How great marketer is our God! Do to others what you expect them to do to you is the key of successful marketing and long-term real customer loyalty because the nature of human beings are equal. It can't be possible without love and trust. In all fields, emphasizing love is never enough. What makes customers purchase at your company is not only the quality of the products, but also the way you treat them as a marketer. Although the price is quite high or the quality is a bit low, if you are respectful, polite, patient with your customer, and create your own way of maintaing a relationship with loyalty customers, - which show your love and affection for them - you will be paid back. - with customer's WALLET SHARE.

Annotation* Steve McKee, How to generate real customer loyalty, Jounral. June 6, 2007 (URL:

Entry 9 by 2050097 :)

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