Friday, May 23, 2008

Entry_11 20500687

Not Just for Tree Huggers

Are you a Tree Hugger?
One of the reasons why I chose this article is that I recently got terested in houses especially structures and functions. I actually had a presentation on the topic of “Hanok (한옥), Korean traditional house” during the Korean history class. I researched mainly on structures and functions as well as Korea’s periodic culture which affected to build houses. Truly, I think, Hanok is an eco-friendly house.

As the oil prices have skyrocketed, housing market is going downward. Housing prices are steadily dropping down as well. However, eco-friendly houses are booming despite of this bad situation. According to the article, Ross founded “Eco Builders” to build eco-friendly houses. This company applies the method of using eco-friendly materials and recycled fuels when building houses. Customers prefer this company’s construction method and its sales are increasing. Besides, they use ‘LEED certification’ to help consumers’ understanding about energy savings. This new kind of certification helps to increase the perception of Green Home. On the other hand, according to survey last year in U.S., American house purchasers are willing to pay additional costs to install high energy efficiency facilities if it helps to save water and power(electricity) rates.

As you see in this article, today’s consumers are not just simply considering price of houses. They decide whether to consume a house or not having a long-term point of view. Because of this, eco-friendly houses so called “Green Home” are still hot despite the free fall in the housing prices nationwide. Like this, I think considering various factors such as environment, health, and design is essential to satisfy wise consumers. Green Home is efficient in terms of saving costs of energy consumption such as water and electricity. Thus, it is appropriate from a long-term view even in ‘price’ issue. In addition, since eco-friendly materials are not harmful to a human body, it is a fascinating factor to many modern people who care health more.


In general, people experience ‘sick house syndrome’ when they live in a newly constructed house. However, this Green Home reduces this risk. Frankly speaking, the awareness of Green Home tends to be low yet in Korea. If construction industry put more efforts in marketing, it will appeal to more consumers. I think this is beneficial to construction industry, consumers who live in these houses and environment as well. Also, if we adopt the system of issuing LEED certification in Korea, it will be helpful to many consumers to be aware of Green Home. Green Home market is not yet in a main market. However, if they put more efforts to promotion, I think this market will be born again from non-mainstream market to mainstream market and also it will highly affect to market share rate.

Daniel McGinn, Not Just for Tree Huggers, Newsweek, Mar 17, 2008

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