Monday, May 5, 2008


Bon-juk, the Korean traditional rice gruel restaurant
Have you ever eaten rice gruel? From long time ago, Korean people have eaten rice gruel when they sick, because rice gruel is digestible food. I also ate rice gruel many times.
By the way, recently, there are several restaurants which sell Korean traditional rice gruel. Among them, Bon-jook is very well known restaurant and it is representative rice gruel restaurant.
According to the articles, Chul-ho Kim, who is an owner of this restaurant, founded Bon-jook after founding Bon-bibim-bab. Since then, a lot of customers have visited restaurant, because he used fresh and good ingredients when making foods. Now, there are so many Bon-jook franchise restaurants in Korea. Furthermore, this brand opened restaurant in Vietnam.
I think that Chul-ho Kim found a nice niche market. Even though, he failed to expand his business at first, after finding niche market which is about Korea traditional rice gruel, his business becomes larger. Because of well-being trend, such kind of business has high possibility of success.
In my opinion, Bon-jook used very good marketing strategies. Then, what are the 4Ps of Bon-jook restaurant?
Product – To tell the truth, Korean people have made rice gruel with their own hands. So I guess that anyone didn’t think that rice gruel restaurant could be successful. However, Bon-jook placed various menus like Pumpkin gruel, Vegetable rice gruel, and something like those. At the Bon-jook restaurant, people can take foods which they bought. In addition, there are some delicious side dishes except a main food.
Pricing – Most menus of Bon-jook are 6,000won. Some are 5,000won or 7,000won. Is this an expensive food? No, because rice gruel is large in quantity. Also, in comparison with other foods, this is a food of good nutritive value. Plus, if someone gather 10 Bon-jook’s paper bags and bring the restaurant those paper bags, he or she could receive Vegetable rice gruel, so, the price is very suitable. Furthermore, considering prices of commodities, Bon-jook is very profitable in Vietnam.
Promotion – Because of well-being trend, many people pay attention to their mental and physical needs, so rice gruel that is ‘Slow food’ appeals to them. Also, Bon-jook developed new menus. In addition, they made membership points card. So, if customers make that card, they can use it in Bon-jook restaurants and take advantage of the various favors.
Placement – Bon-jook restaurants are located in front of hospital mainly. This is very strategic, I think. Because, there are many visitors around a hospitals, and they usually buy foods which is good for patient before visiting a patient in hospital. Therefore, many people drop by Bon-jook restaurant before visiting a patient.
In this way, Bon-jook used nice marketing strategies. Still, this restaurant is very popular, but new restaurants such as ‘Juk story’ and ‘Hyun-juk’ came up. So Bon-jook should make an effort on good marketing in many ways. I hope that this brand become popular all over the world in the future.

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