Friday, April 18, 2008

20700457 DongSoo Rhee Entry 6

Internet Ads: Irritating or useful ?

These days, you see all kinds of Ads on the internet.
Every website you visit, you can easily spot ads.
What do you think everytime you see those ads ?
There is a debate going on about "are internet ads irritating and ineffective.

Pro: Ephemeral and Annoying
The most common opinion between Pros is that internet ads are annoying and unuseful. What is the last ads you've seen on the web. Nobody can answer that question easily. That is because, people see uncountable number of ads in such a short time, and they are not attractive enough or relavant enough to draw customer's attention. Moreover, statistics shows that about 50% of the action of actually cliking ads are unintentional. If a person clicks on the advertisement on the web accidentally, during web surffing or data searching, and it links to other pages or flash pops up, it is unimaginably annoying. This situation gets deep, if he is in a hurry. Also, most of the ads are irrelevant to the users. Therefore, a very few ads can be attractive to a specific user.

Con: Pertinent and Precise
The most popular perspective of Cons is that this phenomenon is unavoidable. Advertisement industry has been developed over century. First, people started to contribute ads on the newspaper in 17th century. Then they moved to TVs. Now, its internet's turn. Nowdays, most people use internet, so it's natural target for advertisement. Moreover, people say internet ads are not attention payable. However people think that way, because there are too many irrelevant ads to a browser. Just like traditional media, ad is absolutely noticed when they are relevant to you, and this kind of situation always was existed on the past, on the other medium. You can't remember the every tv commercials you see. The reason why you remember relatively many numbers of tv commercials compared to interner ads is that you see through bigger screen and more sounds and effects.

As showned in the graph,
the number of internet ads is increasing greatly

I agree with Cons, but I understand the position of Pros. It is really irritating un-wanted ads or flash pops up while I use internet. However, internet is becomming more and more popular, and most of people use internet. "Ineternet became a new center media of this society" Advertisement has to be done somewhere, and now it is moving for the market which has a largest number of customers and huge potential of growing. As I mentioned above, it is unavoidable phenomenon. Then, what can we do to solve the problems that internet ads have.

Resolution can be found in a various way. One way to solve the problem is "target advertisement", one huge advantage internet has is that it is easy to collect information from users. Therefore it is possible to show internet ads to specific users. For example, it is able to show different ads according to keyword you input on the search enguine. Then annoying and unuseful ads can be reduced to certain amount. However this solution has a problem too. It is "Privacy". Is it right to collect information from browsers like that ? This moral issure has to be solved in order to use this method. Another method is to raise the price of advertisement to certain level. Now internet advertisementising is relatively cheap. That is why all kinds of companies use internet advertisement. On the other hand, cheap and easy method is one of the biggest strength of internet advertisement. Therefore this could limit the growth of internet advertisement industry. So I think best solution is to find a compromising point. Firstly to raise the price of the advertisementising price of advertisement which is contributed at most-seen part of website, such as top part or center part. Secondly, limit the number of ads to a certain level. Of course, there will be much more spot left than tv or newspaper after the limitation, but by limiting the number of ads, imprudent advertisement can be avoided. Whatever method we use, we have to find the way to clear those issues and encourage the advertisement industry on the web.

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