Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Entry 4_20500687

For Leaders, There Is No Off Switch

You have to watch what you do and think about what you say at all times because of the effect your behavior has on your team.
By Marshall Goldsmith

Leadership… what pops up in your mind? We have heard many words related to leadership and it is very common and necessary idea that everyone should understand nowadays. Because this ‘leadership’ contains many requirements explaining how to be an effective leader, I, as a marketing student, need to understand the core concept of ‘leadership.’

This article is written by Marshall Goldsmith, an author of management-related literature, professor, consultant and executive coach. He emphasizes about leadership which he describes leaders’ capabilities. First, he mentions that leadership requires restraint. In his description, the higher up you go in an organization, the more people will be listening to your every word and interpreting your every action. I totally agree with his point since I have seen many leaders who do not take their position as seriously as they supposed to. Some leaders are not good with empowerment which is one of the most significant requirements being a good leader. Secondly Goldsmith asks leaders to avoid internet infamy. As media grows rapidly and it became an inevitable tool for us to use, leaders should be more careful with their privacy. The reason why leaders should have more responsibilities with this issue is that they have the potential impact on the people that they are leading. It is not just going to be an issue on media losing your trust to the public but more than that. Lastly, Goldsmith leaves a touching phrase “you own it to your team.” This phrase motivates me in various ways dealing with great responsibility. He states that if you want to become a great leader, you should recognize that there is no “off” switch when you are around the people you are leading. In other words, great leaders must keep moving on to better ideas and developing themselves. He also added that strong leaders actively listen and communicate with caring, interest, and enthusiasm no matter how tired they may be. I think this directly comes from their professionalism which great leaders must have in nature.

What I personally think the requirements that great leaders should fulfill is thorough understanding of their position first. As I learned from the marketing class, the very first step to create new item is the defining the problem. Applied to this leadership, above many important qualifications that good leaders might possess, defining their position is the most crucial task.

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