Saturday, April 5, 2008

# 5 Entry: 20500297

What is a Go-Giver?

I mostly look for articles related to either manage or human resource development since I want to work in HR field sooner or later. Since becoming a human-intended manager with warm heart and cool head is my ultimate future-goal, I usually try to read more articles about successful manager's requirements. In that content, today I want to talk about go-givers. You may heard of go-getters, who go and get things done. It's great to go-getters because they are those who take actions! (which is one of critical elements of good managers.) However, Go-giver do things that go-getters don't do. Go-givers are not opposite of go-getters. The opposite of go-givers are go-takers who feel entitled to take, take WITHOUT EVER ADDING VALUE to the relatinoship or the process in any way. Then who are go-givers, really?

Go-givers are introduced in the new national bestseller, 'The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea', written by Bob Burg and John David Mann. Being a go-giver means you add value to others in a ways that helps them significantly while at the same time increases your own sense of joy and improves your bottom line, both in your business and your personal life.

As a business student, why do we need to be like go-givers? Because go-givers are other-fucused instead of me-focused. Managers, sellers, marketers should be customer-focued in order to increase the quality of their business. If you are other-focused, you can make people feel good about you and make them recognize the value you bring to their lives. Remember that adding value to customers' lives is one of aspects of Marketing in Chapter 1? 'In a free enterprise-based society, where no one is forced to buy from you, the only way someone is going to pay for your product or service is if they find value in it. [BEYOND THE PRICE!] Those who give lots of value get the most back. In a relationship, businesspeople can often sense if you really care for them or if you're just faking it.' (quoted)

When I think of myself, I mostly focuse on myself. That's because I don't humble myself as Jesus Christ did as a son of God. Pride keeps people trapped in a prison called 'self', I thought. There are only three people in this prison: "Me. myself, and I." It's a lonely place. When you think of others first, that's the beginning of becoming a great manager of God. You may have heard our president Kim saying '배워서 남주자' and that's what go-givers do! Well, it's not easy to be a go-giver in this competitive society and people teach you to be a go-getter or go-taker to win among these competitions. However, do not forget how Jesus humbled himself and became the best person (and God) in this world. Give, is the basis of showing your love for others, and that's the very first step that you can have a deep relationship with your friends, parents, and future-employeers. :)

This entry is pretty much about my own opinion, so visit and read the originial article if you want to. You can get clear explanation about go-givers and their laws.

* Entry 5 by 20500297

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