Friday, April 25, 2008

# 8 Entry / 20500297 (9th week)

Creative Korean CEO: WooHyun Kang

Spring has come! Spring season always makes me want to go out for a picnic. Flowers blossom, the Sun is shiny, it's just the perfect weather to take a walk. There are many famous places to visit in spring, and one of those places is 'Nami Island'. (The photo I attached) It's the place where many families and couples visit because of its beautiful view. I have been there when I was in elementary school and I still remember all different kinds of trees and a small amusement park there. It's just a peaceful place to get rest.

His Motivation) The reason I introduce you this place is to talk about the CEO of Nami Island, WooHyun Kang (55). Because of his managment style and strategy, Nami Island became one of the nicest place in Korea. He has been dreaming to creat a fairy tale-like world where people and animals get joined together for 8 years. Actually, he was a graphic-designer of children picture book. 'Is there any place I can creat whatever I imagine?' This thought of him was his management motivation, he said. In late 1990s, Nami island was driven to a corner because of high debt. The low-quality of facilities and highly-priced products sent customers away. The previous CEO of Nami Island came up to WooHyun Kang and asked him if he wants to manage Nami Island for a chance. WooHyun Kang accepted this offer with a monthly salary 1,000,000 Won. (which is very low as a CEO's salary.)

Reuse products & Motivate and support employees) At first, he couldn't do many things to change this corrupting management. The only thing he could do was reuse existing facilities and stuffs. All he had was almost a garbage, but he saw the potential of it. He used empty bottles to build a wall and made some artificial statues and vases that can be sold. He called one of district office located in Seoul, and asked them to throw away ginkgo leaves in Nami Island. Automatically, Nami Island changed into esthetic place that attracts people to take a walk. In order to save operating money, he left weed and wild flowers, and as a result, birds and bees flied in. Most importantly, he didn't forget to encourage his employees through a special party and gathering. He thought that the very first thing he has to do to make a change is let employees feel that he is a supporter of them. I guess that's what made WooHyun Kang to be respected and honored.

"Management is imagination play.") As he said so, through this article, I learned that professional managers are those who imagine and see what others can't see. Instead of direction and regulation, he actually created, drew, and show what he wants to change. Showing a small change creates a bigger change, I believe. I mostly focus on what I can do within a certain rule, but that's what made me lack of creativity and innovation. Plus, the way he emphasizes more on people and mind than system and money is something I should learn. As professor said in class, human resource is the resource you can't easily replace with other sources. Once I have someone I can totally trust and rely on, it will be so hard to change that person with other valuable things. As a future manager, I need to see the hidden potential of people around me. Everyone of us has a different potential given by God. Finding that potential and encourage people can be the first thing I can do. If fine management comes from imagination, as CEO Kang said, I think imagination comes from seeing invisible things. Invisible things become visible when I have a faith. Yes, in conclusion, God is the best manager! :)

* Reference: 중앙일보) '이름 빼고 다 바꿨다, 남이섬의 상상놀이 경영' by 박현영 기자
* The date is Friday, but it's Saturday today- (April 26th, in Korean time)

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