Thursday, April 24, 2008


Woong-Jin Coway
Do you know the brand ‘Woong-Jin’? Woong-Jin is the company that does many businesses in various areas like SamSung. They include many sub brands. Among them, Woong-Jin coway is the company that produces home appliances which are related with water. So they produce a water purifier, a bidet, and things like that.
According to the article, the Middle East countries and the India were startled at Woong-Jin coway’s water treatment techniques, because Woong-Jin has many good water treatment techniques. So this company is good at improving their skill to control water, and it also good at personal selling. In fact, through many air television commercials, this brand gives impressive image to a lot of consumers including me. Especially, they emphasize several points in their advertisements. Then, what is that they emphasizes in their commercials? That is a ‘cody.’
A cody is a staff who evaluate a purifier’s conditions. Usually, cody visits consumers’ house and then they check the purifiers. In this way, Woong-Jin coway can walk up to consumers closely, and it can be called ‘face-to-face strategy.’ Because if a cody check and care a purifier’s condition well, consumer would believe this brand more and might become a Woong-Jin’s real consumer. For example, this company has a program that rental their products. If a consumer receives a cody during their rental home appliances periods, they might has a mind to buy Woong-Jin coway’s products. In other words, this company has been improved their value through rental marketing and cody system.
To tell the truth, there are a lot of people who are not good at using a purifier well. For instance, some people who possess a purifier don’t know how they check their purifiers, so the ‘cody system’ may give consumers useful tips. Also, through this system, consumers can know Woong-Jin’s products well than ever before. Therefore it is very nice in many ways.
In my opinion, Woong-Jin has been embossed personal selling. In many TV commercials, a cody who are neat and tidy make he or she appears. This could give neat and believable impression to the public in Korean society, and so they increase market share gradually.

Recently, Woong-Jin coway accepts ‘madamsumer’, a conjugation of two words; madam and consumer. In this company, several madamsumer are going to do their work. To illustrate, they should evaluate the company’s products, marketing strategies and participate in environmental movement. In this way, Woong-Jin could hear consumers’ opinions and understand a consumers’ position. And later, it would be benefit to planning their marketing strategy.
In 21 century, water is the most important resource all over the world, so I think that a business which is related with water can core business in our surroundings. At present, Woong-Jin coway is making an effort on their improving skills, and marketing strategy. But they should keep that communication with consumers is very important and should be continuous in their minds. In addition, relations with company’s consumers should be deeper, because personal selling is core part of their business.

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