Tuesday, April 1, 2008

#4 Entry / 20500297

Show your employees you care

"Your workers' wealth of knowledge may be worth more to your company than a paycheck is to them. Let them know you appreciate them."

Before I start, I want to take you guys to Google in Silicon Valley!

These are the pictures I took while I was in Silicon Valley area last winter. The reason I want to share these pictures with you is because today I want to talk about 'work environment.'
Relationship between work environment and Google? You'll see. :D

In today's world, what is the key to wealth and success of a company? It can be many things, but as the author of the article I read says, it is often employees' knowledge. Without employees' knowledge, a company can never grow. (Sometimes they know better than their bosses, don't they?) Successful companies catch this idea and acknowledge that their relationship with intelligent employees is critical. And so? What they do is creat the best work environment for employees in order to increase their performance. Creating and developing a fantastic work environment makes employees feel that they are special, cared, and even respected! When I came up with this thought, Google popped up in my head. Google is one of the most fanstastic and excellent places to work. Okay, no more explanation. Let's see some more pictures.

When you enter, this is the first thing you'll see. My friends I were like 'Whoa, can such a company look like this?' Basically Google created the environment that helps their employees feel fresh and comfortable. Even I felt like I am at my own company! The drinks? ALL FREE! (Yes, for visitors, too.)

Google provides their employees with their excellent food for free. We couldn't get a chance to eat at Google's cafeteria, so we just walked around. :( They offer all diffrent kinds of food. Japanese, Chinese, Italian, Mexican, ... and so on. After finishing your meal, you can just grab fresh fruits and drink and go back to your office.

While you walk around, you can see this type of personal office. (Most offices are visible.) How can you not be creative in such an environement? Google is the place you can do what you have imagined. When you get tired, you can just go out and get some free coffee or tea at the bar and play pool. This is not enough. Health center was grrrreeeat! I was impressed by the whole concept of the interior design. It makes you feel like working and use of all different bright colors also makes you energetic.
What I want to point out is that it is clear that Google's employees and engineers are at least as respected as their managers. The work environment obviously tells you that. That's Google's power, I guess. So what comes into your mind with this? Any Korean companies in Korea are like this? Or are they just squeezed in a square box? Creativity and innovation come from your workplace, I believe.

* 4th Entry / 20500297

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