Saturday, April 19, 2008

# 7 Entry / 20500297 (for 8th week)

Magic Kingdom: Disney's Revival

In order to prepare for my job interview, I have started reading newspaper everyday. So as usual, I was reading each article carefully, and I found an article about Disney. Basically it says Walt Disney is growing with its new CEO, Robert Iger. As the graph I attached tells you, the sales and revenues have been growing. But the thing we need to think of is, 'why?'

Personally, when I was very young, a lot of characters of Disney were my close friends. I remember that I even cried while I was watching 'Lion King.' (Yes, at the moment when Simba's dad was falling over a precipice!) In class, we've already talked about Disney's case with our professor. He pointed out that Disney could be successful because it has a story that we can share and remember as a precious childhood memory. That can be one reason of Disney's success, I guess. Other reasons explained in this article are first, Disney started targeting not only children, but also teenagers, twenties, and even adults, and second, with their famous animations, they created musical show, ice show, and concerts which attracted many customers and consumers.

But most importantly, Disney's new CEO, Rober Iger's management style was totally different from the previous CEO, Teri Isner. While Isner was a kind of dictator, was satisfied with his own decision only, Iger respects his employee's ideas and thoughts and it creates creativity. After Disney took over Pixar from Apple, Iger let it maintain its previous working style, helping employees focus on work effectively with a feeling of freedom.

Although there are a lot requirements that a company's CEO should have, I believe that 'respect for employees' is one of most signifant aspects. For a CEO, it must be hard to show respect and satisfy every single person that works for his company. Without love for Disney and its employees, Iger couldn't have shown respect or let employees have their own opinion towards Disney. The person who loves has learned to give freedom to those he loves. Freedom is one of the greatest gifts we can give. It is what Jesus came to give us, and we must also give it to others. I think That's what Iger has been doing so far. A leader should definitely operate in love because what is on the head flows down to the body as the Bible says and what that love shows is respect. I'm looking forward to seeing another level-up of Disney with Iger. His giving of freedom to employees will bring a new successful story of Disney.

한국경제) '매직킹덤: 디즈니가 부활한다' by 이미아 기자

* entry 7 by 20500297 =)
(Please note that this blog is not late even though it is uploded on Saturday. This one is for next week. - same with the 5th entry - I just want to make sure. Thank you!)

1 comment:

tisner1 said...

I have never been a CEO at Disney and would like you to remove my name from this post.
Teri Isner..I think you meant Michael Eisner.