Sunday, April 6, 2008

Entry 5_20500687

Corporate Social Responsibility,
what do you think?

Many companies usually take an action of voluntary works to reveal their social responsibility to the public especially large companies do with great amount of money. I usually do not have any interests of how companies do their social contributions since there were always corruptions related to their finance and reputations. So I understand their social contribution is something that show of to the public making up their past faults and regain their reputation. People criticize this issue like me, however, this social responsibility is very crucial to understand how companies manage the firm and operate rightly.

This article talks about the Korea’s famous automotive group Hyundai-Kia has adopted a resolution to actively pursue socially responsible management based on trust. They decided to expand program of making social contributions. The program covers many different tasks in three categories, including development of harmonious and complementary relations with labor and suppliers, promotion of environment-friendly management and assistance for the underprivileged. It sounds quite ideal and it will be more ideal if these plans will be successfully achieved in the future. In our marketing textbook, corporate social responsibility is described as the voluntary actions taken by a company to address the ethical, social, and environmental impacts of its business operations and the concerns of its stakeholders. It emphasizes behavior and perception of companies toward the idea of voluntary works or social contributions. The point that knocked my head is the impact of this action to the companies’ employee. Since the top managers decide to perform social responsibility in a right way, the employees will absorb the thoughts straightly and it will eventually help them to set their mind as socially responsible person. It doesn’t only affect the employees but consumers and investors as well. They have more trust on the firm which does good job on social responsibility and it will create better results for their business at the end.
As a marketing student, this article and the principles of social responsibility alert me to think about the issue more seriously. Doing business appropriately is very demanding in a sense of considering many factors not just profits. In near future, I will remind this time of thorough thinking about the issue and perform well based on the knowledge that I learned.

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