Sunday, April 20, 2008

Entry 7_20500687

Hide the Doritos! Here Comes HR
Working environment, one of the critical long-term strategy of the firm :)

As a business majored student, I learn various companies’ marketing strategies. For this week’s journal entry, I picked the article about a part of the culture of organization which at first is hard to recognize but later could be an important culture standard. Firms are putting health food in corporate break rooms, cafeterias, and vending machines dumping donuts in favor of organic fresh fruit deliveries.

People eat high calorie donuts such as Krispy Kreme, cookies, and high sugar-based deserts for their regular meeting times, breaks, and other times as well. It seems almost they are eating by habit which they had carried since they work at the firm. In Google, for example, there is the word ‘Google 15,’ which indicates the number of pounds Googlers say that they typically gain after joining the company. What excuses could they make for it? Some people might claim that it is all about self-control. I partly agree however, one of the most significant factors of this problem is the environment. Thanks to the article especially the Human Resource department of the firm, they now have healthier eating environment. Since Google is famously known as the company which committed to doing no evil, they stock the vending machines, cafeterias, and break rooms with fresh fruits, low calorie snacks like cereals with dried mangos, and waters in replacement of soft drinks. Consequently, now Google has 50:50 the junk-healthy ratio in everywhere including agave-sweetened beverages, roasted nuts, sulfate-free dried fruit, and platters of organic crudités. Like Google, Yamaha Corp. of America and Caterpillar are also doing this healthy food surrounded project within the firm, which I think that they are on right track for both individuals and the firm itself.

Establishing new culture of the working environment including this eating habit is very difficult at the beginning and it sometimes is almost a challenge to change or to settle the new trial. Analyzing this article, I could see the two sides of the company’s purpose of doing this project. I think Google does a good job get supported by human resource department that cares the employees the most as well as the company itself in a long-term. They recognize that unhealthy eating environment is not at all good to the company. That I consider it as a company’s hidden strategy which might bring positive effects to the employees personally as well as efficiency of work for growth of the company. This new culture will be one of the big differentiations to distinguish from other average companies and make the company more advanced not only with the products but also with the business culture.

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